Welcome to hell

This website is currently being completely revamped, but will hopefully soon be running how I want it. So, for now, this website is not mobile friendly, has some outdated pages, and may change completely at any time. This homepage was redone using one of eggramen's templates to better organize this disaster

About the maker

Hey there! I'm Crow, but I go by many names. Make a new one up if you so desire, I will in fact collect all the names and someday there will be no more left for anyone else. Here's some stuff about me!

Special Thanks


Me & The Gang

Rivendell's backgrounds page

Blinkies Cafe

update log

1/30/25 Video games page is properly set up now for desktop and mobile, I have some more I want to add eventually but we've got custom cursor and four games thus far. Next step is redoing the art page, then we're pretty solid

1/27/25 Began work on video games page, doing the same formatting as in shows because same general concept, have the outline for it probably will implement the rest of it later this week

1/25/25 Created update log, made mobile orientation navigation bar a smaller scrolling box at the top (infinitely better to use than being suddenly slapped in the fact with the entire nav bar. you can actually see my intro now) + went and edited some pages to display better on portrait for mobile + deleted everything from drawing it looked godawful and we are starting from the ground up